St. Martin´s Conference 2014

The Office for the Protection of Competition organizes its traditional international St. Martin´s Conference on 11 and 12 November 2014 at the headquarters of the Office in Brno. The event will summarize recent trends and developments in competition law and economics.

Six conference panels will bring together competition law experts from European Commission, Competition Authorities from the Czech Republic, Austria, Belgium, Germany, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Slovakia and Slovenia as well as private sector representatives and academics.

Traditional opening conference panel What´s New in Competition Law and Policy will be focused on the overview of recent trends and developments of competition law in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and the European Union in the past year. The second panel will be dedicated to the issue of Association of Undertakings. Speakers will discuss their experience regarding investigations of conduct of various associations and chambers with the purpose to coordinate the conduct of their members that distorts competition. The first conference day will be closed by a panel New Trends in More Economic Approach used within investigations of competition cases.

The second conference day will start with a discussion on minority shareholdings in merger review. Panel on competition aspects of online sales of goods will follow. The issue of significant market power will be discussed within the afternoon panel and also a special workshop focused on experience sharing with such issue will be held in parallel with conference panels.


Agenda Agenda

Introduction of Speakers and their Presentations

Press Release


For more information, please contact Ms Alexandra Tarasidu (, phone +420 542 167 291).






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