Invitation: Recent Trends and Developments in Competition Law – Brno 2008 Seminar

On November 11 - 12, 2008 the Office for the Protection of Competition of the Czech Republic will host an international seminar on Recent Trends and Developments in Competition Law. The two-day event will be held in Brno bringing together experts from competition authorities, law firms, judiciary, sectoral regulators and private sector experts as well as academics. The seminar shall concentrate on recent trends and developments in competition law which occurred during past year with particular focus on settlement procedure, private enforcement issues, criminalization of cartels and the forthcoming revision of the EC Block Exemption on Vertical Agreements

On behalf of the Office for the Protection of Competition it is my great pleasure to invite representatives of your authority who deal with the above-mentioned issues in their everyday practice or who want to learn more about current trends in those competition areas to participate in our seminar. Should you feel that any of private sector practitioners from your country would be interested in the seminar as well, we would appreciate if you let them know to ensure that the different perspectives and approaches would be duly represented.

I am delighted to announce that our speakers will represent different standpoints and approaches from both national and international public and private practice to European Commission representatives. The event will be divided into two days and held in the Office’s headquarters in Brno. I am also pleased to invite all the participants to an evening reception held on the first day of the seminar, which should give an invaluable opportunity for informal discussion.

Should you have any further questions concerning the oncoming event or you want to register for the seminar, do not hesitate to contact Ms. Katerina Sevcikova, director of the international department (tel. +420 542 167 915; or  Mr. Daniel Stankov (+420 542 167 258; We will be pleased to provide you with any additional information.

file icon Draft Agenda of the Seminar 117 KB


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