Conference on State Aid Law 2019

The Office for the Protection of Competition in cooperation with the Ministry of Industry and Trade organizes a three-day international conference on State Aid and issues of small and medium enterprises between 29 and 31 May.

The conference will take place at the headquarters of the Office and will be divided into two thematic parts. The first one will be traditionally dedicated to the area of State Aid. Several distinguished speakers will present at the conference, including representatives of the DG Competition of the European Commission, senior central government officials, number of experts on the staid aid law, several foreign guests and employees of the State Aid Department of the Office. Regarding specific topics of the conference, it will be focused on issues as for example State Aid for development of broadband networks, State Aid in transport, R&D, agricultural or environmental sectors. Changes in policy and related development which happened since the last conference will be summarised. Topic on obligations imposed on providers of State Aid will be presented in aggregated form as well.

The second part of the conference will be focused on SME-related issues, mainly in the context of newly prepared definition of SMEs, and on the practical experience when verifying status of SME. Both Czech and foreign speakers will share their views and experiences regarding difficult application of the SME definition.

At the end, a panel discussion and workshops will be held, with the aim of formulating recommended changes to the SME definition.  



Introduction of Speakers and their Presentations

Press Releases


Contact: Ms Alexandra Tarasidu, Assistant of Vice-Chairman of the Office, phone: +420 542 167 291; e-mail:


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+420 542 167 111 ·