
Welcome to the e-registry of the Office for the Protection of Competition. We are glad you decided to make use of our system and we hope that you will be satisfied with its service.


The e-registry offers the possibility of the electronic filing.

The electronic filing shall be submitted via e-mail signed by electronic signature and sent to, or on data carriers (CD, DVD, USB flash disk), which are accepted by the registry of the Office for the Protection of Competition, tr. Kpt. Jarose 7, 604 55 Brno, from Monday to Friday, from 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. Data carriers are returned back only upon explicit request.



  • In case the file is attached to the submission accompanied with advanced electronic signature, the Office for the Protection of Competition accepts the following formats:  *.HTM, *.HTML (hypertext document), *.TXT (plain text) , *.RTF (document in text standard RTF) , *.PDF (document in Adobe Acrobat Reader® format), *.DOC, *.DOCX (document MS Word), *.XLS, *.XLSX  (document MS Excel).
  • Please, send only one submission within one e-mail or within one data carrier.
  • In case the submission includes several electronic documents, it has to be clearly defined which document constitutes the submission itself and which documents are electronic attachments to that particular submission.
  • Maximum size of the submission (including its attachments) is 20 MB.


Receiving and processing of submissions:

  • Receipt of the submission is confirmed by the electronic registry by an e-mail message to the e-mail address of the sender. The message contains an evaluation of the check (fulfilment of requirements for submission, legibility, e-signature) and if applicable the reason for failure to accept the submission. Confirmation is sent via text file which is attached to electronically signed e-mail. (electronic signature constitutes a separate attachment).
  • The sender has the right to ask for the confirmation of the receipt of an e-mail in paper form.
  • The sender has the right to communicate with the Office in paper form even in case of the electronic submission.
  • When the submission is received, an electronic document is transferred to the information system of the Office. Further steps are similar to those relating to the submission in paper form.

Processing of submissions is set by respective legal standards and standard of Information System of Public Administration which deals with operation of the e-registry in relation to using advanced electronic signature (issued by UVIS no. 016/01.01).


Electronic signature

The e-registry of the Office for the Protection of Competition is eligible to receive submissions with sender´s electronic signature (it is possible to use it within any kind of electronic submission) based on the qualified certificate issued by accredited provider of certification services (e.g. I.CA). The submission signed electronically is of the same legal value as documents in paper form with handwritten signature.

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